Source -- https://www.deutschland.de/
Germany’s TOP RESEARCH organization, the Max Planck Society, has chosen the title of the travelling exhibition with care: the impressive show about science is touring the world under the name of the Science Tunnel. And at the end of the tunnel, everyone hopes for “More light!” The exhibition offers a relaxed and fascinating environment for its visitors to seek new insights and perspectives of the complex world with its global challenges.
The Science Tunnel focuses on the megatrends of the 21st century. It takes visitors on a journey through the great topics of basic research: from the origins of the cosmos, to the idiosyncrasies of the amazing brain, the vision of sustainable energy supplies and the social challenges in the Anthropocene – the age of man. The new exhibition, Science Tunnel 3.0, creates a network of the technologies and the sciences in an area of 800 square metres. The visitors move through twelve stations with interactive elements of augmented reality to gain impressions of the future.
Science Tunnel 3.0 continues a TRADITION of successful science exhibitions by the Max Planck Society: the first two versions of the Tunnel have already attracted 9 million visitors around the globe in recent years. The Science Express was also a success in India. The Science Tunnel presentation was originally designed for the world exhibition EXPO 2000 in Hanover, but it has long since become part of Germany’s ‘foreign science policy’, says Andreas Trepte, the Science Tunnel project manager and curator. The aim of the travelling exhibition is to show that science knows no boundaries and to whet the appetites especially of young people for research in Germany.
In Moscow the Science Tunnel 3.0 is a contribution to the Germany in Russia Year, followed by further stops in Europe and Asia. In 2013 the second exhibition, Science Tunnel 2.0, will be showing in Peru and then in Brazil.
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