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Saturday, 30 November 2013
Top 50 Popular Text & Chat Acronyms:
- 2moro - Tomorrow
- 2nite - Tonight
- BRB - Be Right Back
- BTW - By The Way -or- Bring The Wheelchair
- B4N - Bye For Now
- BCNU - Be Seeing You
- BFF - Best Friends Forever -or- Best Friend's Funeral
- CYA - Cover Your Ass -or- See Ya
- DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read
- DILLIGAS - Do I Look Like I Give A Sh**
- FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
- FWIW - For What It's Worth -or- Forgot Where I Was
- GR8 - Great
- ILY - I Love You
- IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
- IRL - In Real Life
- ISO - In Search Of
- J/K - Just Kidding
- L8R - Later
- LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
- LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots Of Love -or- Living On Lipitor
- LYLAS - Love You Like A Sister
- MHOTY - My Hat's Off To You
- NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard
- NP - No Problem -or- Nosy Parents
- NUB - New person to a site or game
- OIC - Oh, I See
- OMG - Oh My God
- OT - Off Topic
- POV - Point Of View
- RBTL - Read Between The Lines
- ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
- RT - Real Time -or- ReTweet -or- Retweet
- THX or TX or THKS - Thanks
- SH - Sh** Happens
- SITD - Still In The Dark
- SOL - Sh** Out of Luck
- STBY - Sucks To Be You
- SWAK - Sealed (or Sent) With A Kiss
- TFH - Thread From Hell
- RTM or RTFM - Read The Manual -or- Read The F***ing Manual
- TLC - Tender Loving Care
- TMI - Too Much Information
- TTYL - Talk To You Later -or- Type To You Later
- TYVM - Thank You Very Much
- VBG - Very Big Grin
- WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
- WTF - What The F***
- WYWH - Wish You Were Here
- XOXO - Hugs and Kisses
Protect Our Earth
Earth, our home planet, is the only planet in our solar system known to harbor life. All of the things we need to survive are provided under a thin layer of atmosphere that separates us from the uninhabitable void of space. Earth is made up of complex, interactive systems that are often unpredictable. Air, water, land, and life—including humans—combine forces to create a constantly changing world that we are striving to understand.
Viewing Earth from the unique perspective of space provides the opportunity to see Earth as a whole. Scientists around the world have discovered many things about our planet by working together and sharing their findings.
Some facts are well known. For instance, Earth is the third planet from the sun and the fifth largest in the solar system. Earth's diameter is just a few hundred kilometers larger than that of Venus. The four seasons are a result of Earth's axis of rotation being tilted more than 23 degrees.
Oceans at least 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) deep cover nearly 70 percent of Earth's surface. Fresh water exists in the liquid phase only within a narrow temperature span (32 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit/ 0 to 100 degrees Celsius). This temperature span is especially narrow when contrasted with the full range of temperatures found within the solar system. The presence and distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere is responsible for much of Earth's weather.
Protective Atmosphere
Near the surface, an ocean of air that consists of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and 1 percent other ingredients envelops us. This atmosphere affects Earth's long-term climate and short-term local weather; shields us from nearly all harmful radiation coming from the sun; and protects us from meteors as well. Satellites have revealed that the upper atmosphere actually swells by day and contracts by night due to solar activity.
Our planet's rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to a magnetic field, which the solar wind distorts into a teardrop shape. The solar wind is a stream of charged particles continuously ejected from the sun. The magnetic field does not fade off into space, but has definite boundaries. When charged particles from the solar wind become trapped in Earth's magnetic field, they collide with air molecules above our planet's magnetic poles. These air molecules then begin to glow and are known as the aurorae, or the Northern and Southern Lights.
—Text courtesy NASA/JPL
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Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Articles on How to Increase Traffic to Blog and Website That You Should Read
I have read several good articles on how to get traffic to your site or blog, written by several talented writers here, on HubPages. I bookmarked some of these articles but didn't do for all that I had read. This created a problem when I wanted to search for that particular article as I had forgotten the author's name as well as the title.
Directory of Top Articles on Getting Website Visitors, on HubPages
So I decided to compile a directory of the top articles on getting website visitors, written by fellow Hubbers on HubPages, as an easy reference, not just for me but for all of us. This way, you need to bookmark only this article instead of having to bookmark several different sites.
The listing is not in any particular order of merits.
If I missed any articles that you think should be listed in this directory, please let me know, in the comment section, below.
Quick Recap on 'What is Website Traffic'
Before we go to the directory, here is a quick recap on "What is Website Traffic".
If you want to make a lot of money, then you need website visitors to go to your site, read your article and get paid through Google Adsense. The more visitors that visit your site, the more money you will make. If they click on the advertisement or buy items on your Amazon or eBay capsules, then you may earn additional income.
So how to get lots of website traffic, or more specifically how to get free traffic?
Getting these free website visitors or traffic is one of the most crucial work for all of us who want to succeed in doing online business. It is a continuous task and you must constantly be doing it. It is not just the internal traffic from HubPages but most importantly, organic traffic through the search engines.
How are the articles for this Directory, selected
There are several excellent articles written on how to get free traffic to your site by gifted writers on HubPages. It is really tough selecting them.
I use the Hubscore as a reference to the popularity and effectiveness on the way the article was written (keyword, SEO friendly etc.) as one criteria in the selection.
I also select articles that have something unique and different, so that you will learn something new from each of the listed articles in this directory.
So what are you waiting for? Read the following articles on ways to get website traffic to your site.

missolive, taken from her profile page
1. Grab that Traffic! Improve and Increase HubPages Traffic by missolive
missolive's article on 'Grab that Traffic! Improve and Increase HubPages Traffic' gave 20 valuable tips on how to improve and increase traffic, and followers to your website.
She also provides links to related hubs that will support your effort in driving traffic to your site. These include links to SEO techniques, keyword search and back-linking.
One of the techniques that she uses to get traffic, that stands out from the rest of the other articles listed here, is the need to ANALYZE.
By ANALYZE, she means doing research on how the top Hubbers get top Hub Scores, SEO and keywords used for the url-title, tagged words used, seeing how the first paragraph is worded to incorporate the url-title and keywords. This will also include reviewing the Amazon and eBay capsules, and strategies used on how the hub is formatted.
Phew!!! These are time consuming and a lot of work, you will say. But you want to succeed right? So why not copy and follow the leaders and successful people!

Barbara Kay's Avatar on her profile page
2. Unusual Ways to Get Free Traffic by Barbara Kay
Unusual ways to get free traffic byBarbara Kay list eight unusual ways, including using to get free traffic.
Barbara sells books on She also has an interest in crochet and offer free crochet patterns on her crochet website. Every time she sells books on Amazon, especially in the craft category, she will include the url to her crochet website. She will also highlight the free crochet patterns that are available on that website. Since anything free is worth having, people will definitely visit her website! So that was one way how she drives free traffic to her site.
If you have something similar, you can follow this tip, not just for but maybe on eBay as well.

sunforged avatar on his profile page
3. Get traffic with ON PAGE seo - Tweak Your Hubs - 60DC by sunforged
sunforged's article on how to get traffic with on page SEO is easy to follow especially since he relates the story of how to succeed in the hot dog business, as an analogy, to help explain the importance of marketing and getting traffic to your website.
He suggested that you use keywords in your title, in the URL, in headline and sub-headline, repeating those keywords in the body of content but not too much as it could be interpreted as spamming, in ALT attributes and in the file name, amongst others.

Mrs. Menagerie, from her profile page
4. How to Use "Google Insights for Search Trends" to Increase Traffic to Your Hubs by Mrs. Menagerie
If you have well written and quality hubs that are not getting the traffic that they deserved, then you must use Mrs. Menagerie's tips on how to use Google Insights for Search, to increase website traffics.
In Google Insights for Search, do a general search of trends for the article that you had written. This will give you some keywords that may be relevant to your hub. You then narrow down your search until you get a list of several popular search terms that you can then use in your content.
By using the four steps as explained in her article, she had seen an increase in traffic on hubs that previously did badly on page views. An increase in page view equates to an increase in Adsense earning.

alocsin, taken from his profile page
Although most of the articles written on how to increase your website traffic will include posting to social bookmarking sites such as Reddit, I decided to include alocsin's article as it gave specific instructions on how to do this.
The article is written in two parts and there's also the introduction:
- Part II of Increase Website Traffic by Posting Links on Reddit.
- How My Hub Went from Zero to 3,000 Page Views in Just Under Eight Hours.
So what is Reddit? Reddit is a social news website where members can post either a link or a text "self" post. Depending on how and where you post your link, you will see a temporary spike in traffic.
However you still have to work hard on other methods to get long term traffic.
Please remember that Reddit has strict rules on how to particulate on its website. If you don't follow the procedures, you could end up being banned from using your account.

6. What to Do if Your Subdomain has a Sudden Drop in Traffic by HubPages, Learning Center
While this is not about how to increase website traffic, it is still relevant as you may experience a sudden drop in traffic and you should know why and how to redress this problem.
The article listed four possible reasons why you had seen a dropped in traffic and four steps to take, to rectify this.
Another good article from the HubPages Learning Centre that you should check out is How to Update Hubs to Increase Traffic.

Greekgeek, taken from her profile page
7. Hubpages Tip: Make a "Traffic Calendar" by Greekgeek
This article is not about how to get traffic to your site on a long term basis. It is about how to get a temporary increase in traffic by writing on specific subject matter.
Greekgeek gave a brilliant idea of taking advantage of specific annual events such as Christmas, to drive seasonal traffic to your site. You do this by writing quality articles specific to that season and events.
Make a traffic calendar of all events or holidays for each month, that might get traffic and write an article on it.
It is that simple!

Brett.Tesol avatar on his profile page
8. Do You Like to Share? Let's Help Everyone Get More Readers! by Brett.Tesol
You probably have seen the word "SHARED" in many comments on Hubs, lately.
HubPages is a great community where members help and support each others.
If you come across a good article, then one way to help and increase traffic to this hub, is by SHARING it with your followers. Although this is only internal traffic from HP, it still helps.
Brett.Tesol's article explain why and how to do this.
NOTE: By writing this directory, I am also SHARING the articles written by these writers, but not just internally to my followers on HubPages, but externally to other readers, as it will get picked by the search engines.
How to Get Traffic to Your Site - Directory of Top Articles on Getting Website Visitors, on HubPages
I hope this compilation, How to Get Traffic to Your Site - Directory of Top Articles on Getting Website Visitors, on HubPages, will help you in improving your library of reference materials for success in your on-line business.
Please let me know if there are other articles on how to increase website traffic, that should be included in this directory. Ideally it should have tips and advice that are not in this directory yet.
Have fun and success in your writing and on-line business.
Earth-Sized Planet Found Just Outside Solar System
WASHINGTON – European astronomers say that just outside our solar
system they’ve found a planet that’s the closest you can get to Earth in
location and size.
It is the type of planet they’ve been searching for across the
Milky Way galaxy and they found it circling a star right next door – 25
trillion miles (40 trillion kilometres) away. But the Earth-like planet
is so hot its surface may be like molten lava. Life cannot survive the
2,200 degree heat of the planet, so close to its star that it circles it
every few days.The astronomers who found it say it’s likely there are
other planets circling the same star, a little farther away where it may
be cool enough for water and life. And those planets might fit the
not-too-hot, not-too-cold description sometimes call the Goldilocks
Zone.That means that in the star system Alpha Centauri B, a just-right
planet could be closer than astronomers had once imagined.It’s so close
that from some southern places on Earth, you can see Alpha Centauri B in
the night sky without a telescope. But it’s still so far that a trip
there using current technology would take tens of thousands of years.But
the wow factor of finding such a planet so close has some astronomers
already talking about how to speed up a 25 trillion-mile (40
trillion-kilometre) rocket trip there. Scientists have already started
pressuring NASA and the European Space Agency to come up with missions
to send something out that way to get a look at least.
The research was released online Tuesday in the journal Nature. There
has been a European-U.S. competition to find the nearest and most
Earthlike exoplanets – planets outside our solar system. So far
scientists have found 842 of them, but think they number in the
billions.While the newly discovered planet circles Alpha Centauri B, it’s part of a system of three stars: Alpha Centauri A, B and the slightly more distant Proxima Centauri. Systems with two or more stars are more common than single stars like our sun, astronomers say.
This planet has the smallest mass – a measurement of weight that doesn’t include gravity – that has been found outside our solar system so far. With a mass of about 1.1 times the size of Earth, it is strikingly similar in size.
Stephane Udry of the Geneva Observatory, who heads the European planet-hunting team, said this means “there’s a very good prospect of detecting a planet in the habitable zone that is very close to us.
And one of the European team’s main competitors, Geoff Marcy of the University of California Berkeley, gushed even more about the scientific significance.
“This is an historic discovery,” he wrote in an email. “There could well be an Earth-size planet in that Goldilocks sweet spot, not too cold and not too hot, making Alpha Centauri a compelling target to search for intelligent life.
Harvard planet-hunter David Charbonneau and others used the same word to describe the discovery: “Wow.”
Charbonneau said when it comes to looking for interesting exoplanets “the single most important consideration is the distance from us to the star” and this one is as close as you can get. He said astronomers usually impress the public by talking about how far away things are, but this is not, at least in cosmic terms.
Alpha Centauri was the first place the private Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence program looked in its decade-long hunt for radio signals that signify alien intelligent life. Nothing was found, but that doesn’t mean nothing is there, said SETI Institute astronomer Seth Shostak.
The European team spent four years using the European Southern Observatory in Chile to look for planets at Alpha Centauri B and its sister stars Alpha Centauri A and Proxima Centauri. They used a technique that finds other worlds by looking for subtle changes in a star’s speed as it races through the galaxy.
Part of the problem is that the star is so close and so bright – though not as bright as the sun – that it made it harder to look for planets, said study lead author Xavier Dumusque of the Geneva Observatory.
One astronomer who wasn’t part of the research team, wondered in a companion article in Nature if the team had enough evidence to back such an extraordinary claim. But other astronomers said they had no doubt and Udry said the team calculated that there was only a 1-in-1,000 chance that they were wrong about the planet and that something else was causing the signal they saw.
Finding such a planet close by required a significant stroke of good luck, said University of California Santa Cruz astronomer Greg Laughlin.
Dumusque described what it might be like on this odd and still unnamed hot planet. Its closest star is so near that it would always hang huge in the sky. And whichever side of the planet faced the star would be broiling hot, with the other side icy cold.
Because of the mass of the planet, it’s likely a rocky surface like Earth, Dumusque said. But the rocks would be “more like lava, like a lava planet.”
“If there are any inhabitants there, they’re made of asbestos,” joked Shostak.
Source: Sympatico News
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Thursday, 21 November 2013
The Bionic Man Comes to NYCC
Bertolt Meyer and Richard Walker, two prominent roboticists and subjects of the upcoming documentary The Incredible Bionic Man, stand in front of a long panel table at New York Comic Con, eager to answer questions. Next to them is their Frankenstein creation. Its artificial blood circulates through its mechanical heart. It’s eyes survey the crowd. It walks, talks, and speaks—a bionic man made completely from prosthetic technology.
“Suddenly, technology is at that point where we’re able to rebuild a lot of parts of the body,” Meyer says. “That technology has only been around for a few years, so that’s why I thought this was a good moment in time to explore these technologies and introduce them to a wider audience.”
The Bionic Man is different from advanced, DARPA-hardened robots , in fact, it can’t really walk that well at all. Instead with $1 million, Meyer, Walker and a team of engineers created the robot as a walking and talking showcase of human prosthetic advancement. Its skull is constructed from modern 3D-printing technology . An FDA-approved device, which gives partial sight to the blind , gives the robot vision. Iron-based nano particles stand in for blood, and its hands are two $60,000 prostheses. This is something Meyer and The Bionic Man have in common.
“I was born without my lower left arm, and I’ve had terrible artificial implants throughout the years,” Meyer says. “What we’re seeing is an explosion of innovation and new products in the market that I myself hadn’t thought I would witness in my lifetime.”
Many of the parts used to create the creature are lesser replacements of their organic counterparts. However, Walker and Meyer mention that if prosthesis innovation continues to progress as it is, it won’t belong before these replacements surpass the original. Meyer points to the work of MIT professor Hugh Herr , an amputee who lost both his legs in a mountain climbing accident, as an example. Herr developed a foot-and-ankle system that, according to Meyer, functions beyond the capability of the foot and ankle endowed by nature.
“In the not-so-distant-future bionic body parts will give us abilities that nature didn’t plan,” Meyer said, “and what kind of future will that be?”
Walker and Meyer’s creation is the subject of The Smithsonian Channel’s new documentary, The Incredible Bionic Man, set to premiere October 20 at 9pm ET.
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Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Earn a lot of money with Innity Publisher ( Good for blogger)
Innity Corporation
If you are an avid blogger or a website owner from the Asean region (Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam) who is looking for an added earnings stream, then I’d consider you consider putting Innity ads on your site.History of Innity
Innity was started in 1999 and has now become one of the most recognisable online advertising agencies in this region. According to its website, Innity is “an online premium performance advertising network reaching over 2.1 billion impressions to more than 29 million unique visitors.”Earn with Innity as Publisher
Now, that’s something. Besides having a high reputation, Innity also pays rather handsomely. At least that’s how it is for me because having displayed ads ranging from Adsense, Nuffnang, Clicksor and Advertlets, Innity brings back returns far higher than the aforementioned ad agencies.
How can I be an Innity publisher?
However, to be chosen as a publisher for Innity ads, you must first live up to its high expectations. Sites must have 200, 000 page views per month, 40,000 unique visitors per month, have quality and frequently updated content, genuine (not fraudulent) traffic and cannot link or display adult and profane content among others, read complere requirementsInnity Ad Formats
One thing that sets Innity apart from its competitors is that it offers many ad formats. In addition to the basic formats such as rectangle, leaderboard and skyscraper ads, Innity has full page, balloon, in-text and bottoms-up ad formats among others. This means that depending on how much space you can spare on your site, there will always be certain ad formats that can be displayed.Earning from Innity Ads
There are three ways in which you can earn, namely via Cost per Click (CPC), Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM) and also Cost per Engagement (CPE). The CPC and CPM earning model is used extensively throughout all ad networks, where you get paid for every unique click for the former and for every thousand impressions for the latter. The CPE model is distinct as it pays for every ad that is engaged by your site visitors.The Benefit of Signing Up With Innity
Innity associates its ads with top-class advertisers and this is something that you must capitalise on. Say, for instance, someone visits your site and sees advertisements that are displayed featuring renown brands such as Nokia, Samsung and Dell, that person will have a good first impression of your site.Over the long run, with more people visiting your site, the credibility of your site will also increase and people will return to your site. The best part is that if you feel that there are certain ads that will depreciate the value of your site, you can instantly reject the ads from being displayed.
So what are you waiting for bloggers? Apply now with innity and earn from your blogging works..
How to Drive Screws Like a Pro
However, to power-drive screws with speed and precision takes practice, patience, and a few tricks of the trade. Here are some tips and techniques to help you maximize the screw-driving capabilities of your cordless drill/driver.
Back Off the Clutch
Every drill/driver has a slip clutch, which is also called a torque control. It's the adjustable collar located directly behind the chuck. The numbers on the slip clutch represent the amount of torque, or twisting power, that the drill produces. The higher the number, the more torque is delivered to the screw head.Learning to use the slip clutch properly allows you to drive screws to the correct depth, without under-driving them so that their heads stick up or over-driving them right through the board. As you drive in the screw, the slip clutch monitors the amount of torque applied to the screw. If the force required to drive in the screw exceeds the slip-clutch setting, the clutch will disengage, or "slip." At that point, the chuck stops turning, but the drill motor continues to run.
It takes a little practice to know where to set the slip clutch, but it's best to start at a midrange number. For example, if the drill has 30 clutch settings, set the clutch to 15 and then drive in a screw. If the clutch slips before the screw is fully driven, rotate the clutch setting to a higher number. If the drill drives the screw too deeply, adjust to a lower number.
Generally speaking, use higher slip-clutch settings to drive in large, fat screws, and lower numbers to drive small, thin screws. However, you must also take into account the hardness of the material you're screwing together. Driving screws into plywood and softwoods, such as pine, cedar, and fir, typically requires little torque. But, if you hit a knot or particularly gnarly section of wood grain, you'll have to crank up the clutch. Driving screws into hardwoods, such as oak, maple, and mahogany, requires more torque and higher clutch settings.
Bore Clearance Holes
Mastering the slip clutch might be the most important screw-driving skill, but coming in a very close second is learning to drive screws without splitting the board.The first step is to predrill a hole through the top board that's equal to or very slightly larger than the diameter of the screw shank. This hole, known as a screw-shank clearance hole, permits the screw to pass cleanly through the top board. That's important, because without any friction in the top board, the screw can pull the two boards tightly together.
Clearance holes are particularly important when driving screws close to the end of a board or very close to the edge, where splitting is common.
Drill Pilot Holes
A pilot hole works in conjunction with a screw-shank clearance hole. A
pilot hole is a small-diameter hole bored into the bottom board. Its
purpose is to provide a path for the screw to enter the board without
splitting it. Again, it's particularly important to bore pilot holes
near the ends and edges of boards, but they're also recommended when
screw-driving into hardwood or any thin board. The properly sized pilot
hole will also prevent screws from snapping in half, which is especially
important when driving screws made of brass, a notoriously soft metal.
Below is a chart to use as a general guideline when drilling screw-shank clearance holes and pilot holes. Note that pilot holes in hardwood are slightly larger than those for softwoods. These are the five most common screw sizes, ranging from 4 to 12. (The larger the number, the fatter the screw.)
Screw Size: 4
Clearance Hole: 7/64
Pilot Hole, Softwood: 3/64
Pilot Hole, Hardwood: 1/16
Screw Size: 6
Clearance Hole: 9/64
Pilot Hole, Softwood: 1/16
Pilot Hole, Hardwood: 5/64
Screw Size: 8
Clearance Hole: 11/64
Pilot Hole, Softwood: 5/64
Pilot Hole, Hardwood: 3/32
Screw Size: 10
Clearance Hole: 3/16
Pilot Hole, Softwood: 3/32
Pilot Hole, Hardwood: 7/64
Screw Size: 12
Clearance Hole: 7/32
Pilot Hole, Softwood: 7/64
Pilot Hole, Hardwood: 1/8
Countersink vs Counterbore
The most common screw used today to join wood is the flat-head screw. In most cases, you'll want to drive the screw head either flush with the board's surface, or below the surface.To make the screw head flush, you must use a countersink bit to drill a shallow hole into the board. This is particularly necessary when working with hardwood. In softwood, you can usually drive the screw head flush without first countersinking the board.
If you want to set the screw head below the surface, you'll need to drill a counterbore hole using either a small-diameter spade bit or brad-point bit. Counterbore holes can then be covered with wood plugs (and sanded flush) or decorative wooden buttons.
Use a Combo Bit
You can use individual bits to drill all the necessary holes prior to driving in the screws. Or, you can use a combination bit. With this single timesaving tool you can bore the pilot hole, screw-shank clearance hole, and countersink or counterbore—all in one motion. Combination countersink bits come in various screw sizes (typically 4, 6, 8, and 10) and are sold individually or in sets.Read more: How to Drive Screws Like a Pro - Popular Mechanics
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Film Composer Hans Zimmer Discusses His Man of Steel Soundtrack
Q for question , A for answer
When people think of how technology
is changing the art of cinema, they rarely think of the soundtrack. Yet
you've been experimenting with different technologies for a while now,

There are definitely horrible things you can
say about Hollywood, but two of the good things you can say is that it
pushes technology forward and that it commissions classical music on a
daily basis. Pushing technology forward is one of the things that I've
done previously on movies such as The Dark Knight and Inception—where
rather than just releasing soundtracks, we released apps, so it would
become a completely different experience. I think the environment is
very important as well. We create these worlds for these movies and an
app was a more interesting place to do that than just a straight MP3

You worked with DTS to make a Headphone:X soundtrack for Man of Steel that can play through ordinary headphones. Why concentrate on bringing surround sound to headphones?

I've been doing all kinds of mad experiments
lately—like putting 12 drummers in a circle—that I knew would work
really well in the cinema, but I was really not looking forward to doing
a soundtrack album where I had to fold all this stuff into boring
stereo. When DTS came along, and I said to them, “I need your
technology. I will only ever be able do one Superman movie in my life,
and this is it.” Now we can give people the full surround experience
with a movie on their computer.

Since it's all processed to give the sound field of a virtual room, how do you pick what room listeners should be in?

I've been looking for a way of, basically,
restoring things the way I hear them when I write them. The DTS thing is
a print of my studio, it sounds the way I hear the score when I'm
writing it and recording it.

Since all the channels are electronically simulated,
presumably you can go beyond the traditional 5.1- or 7.1-channel
surround sound, right?

Absolutely. We can do height as well. I
wanted the sound to kind of sail across the city [of Metropolis]. Now I
wish I could go redo my old movies because suddenly I can play with
height in a straight stereo environment.

Frankly, playing with height is particularly good for a movie about a man that can fly above you, right?

There might be something to be said for that.

You were casually mentioning it there, but as new technologies
evolve, many directors do go back and make improvements and changes to
their earlier work. Would you see a possibility of doing something like
that for some of your previous scores?

Well, it's funny because I just had this conversation I think earlier last week with Chris [Nolan, director of the Dark Knight series and Inception],
where we were talking about what we're doing now and about to do, and
we're forever wanting to go forward, but when we get completely bored
and we don't know what to do anymore, we'll go and have a look at the
old stuff. But right now, it's all about moving forward.
How to Install a Car Subwoofer
One of the cheapest and easiest upgrades
for your car's audio system is a DIY subwoofer. A subwoofer improves
the sound of your system by enhancing bass and adding depth to an
otherwise flat-sounding system. Installing your own is simple and will
have your system pumping in no time.
What You'll Need
For this project, you'll need 3/4-inch-thick medium-density fiberboard, PVA glue, screws, clamps, silicone, carpeting, a terminal cup (which is a plastic cup with terminals to connect the speaker wires to the speakers), speaker wire, and the subwoofer. For tools, you'll need a tape measure, pencil, screwdriver, jigsaw, drill, and soldering iron.
There are several brands of subwoofer speakers on the market, catering to all budgets. Common speaker sizes are 10, 12, 15, and 18 inches. Measure the space to fit the box to make sure you don't buy a speaker that's too big. Plan to build the box around the speaker you buy and the space available.
The best place to mount the box will usually be in the trunk or luggage compartment of your car. An efficient design is a rectangular box with the speaker-mounting surface raked back on an angle. The flat rear surface of the box should sit against the back of your rear seat, leaving the speaker facing outward into the luggage area.
1. Measure the front face of the box to size using the measurements you took, leaving at least a few inches above and below the outside diameter of the speaker.
2. Cut the remaining three sides of the box to size.
3. Use the speaker as a template to create the opening for the subwoofer, marking out the drill holes for the mounting screws.
4. Use a jigsaw to cut the hole for the speaker, and predrill the mounting screw holes to a slightly smaller size than the actual screws.
5. Depending on where you intend to route the speaker wires, predrill and cut a hole in the rear or side panel the same diameter as the terminal cup.
6. Fit the terminal cup, using silicone to seal and secure it in place.
7. Glue and then screw the front, back, bottom, and side panels of the box together. (Don't install the speaker yet.)
8. Seal all joints with silicone to create an airtight box.
9. Cover each panel with glue and apply the carpet, pulling it tight and spreading it across the back, side, and rear-panel surfaces.
10. Cut the carpet into segmented sections for the speaker holes rather than cutting a hole for a neater finish. Fold segmented sections and glue to the inside of the box.
11. Apply glue and carpeting to the front section.
12. Run wiring from the speaker through the hole in the front panel of the box and solder the wires to the back of the speaker terminals and the inner terminals of the terminal cup. Ensure you join negative to negative and positive to positive.
13. Fit the speaker in place and secure it with screws.
14. Place the speaker cover on the speaker and secure it in place in your car.
15. Connect the wires from your sound system—or from your amp if you have one—to the subwoofer. You're ready to rock.
The PlayStation 4 launches this Friday
Nov. 15, but PopMech took the next-gen console for a brief test drive late last night. Let's get this out of the way: The graphics are vivid, the performance is speedy, and the new controller is utterly impressive. The PS4 can go toe-to-toe with the best PC gaming rigs. If you're thinking about ordering it on Black Friday but haven't been convinced to drop $400, we can help make that choice. Here's a quick look at the top five things you need to know about Sony's PS4.
One word describes the look of the PlayStation 4—simple. This isn't a bad thing; creator Tetsu Sumii intended it that way. Its slim, minimalist design is decked out in a black chassis with a combination glossy-and-matte finish, divided by a strip of glowing blue light. For now users have zero color options, but like consoles before it, there will be future special editions (especially if they release a new God of War.) The PS4 is understated, unobtrusive, sleek, and elegant.
The console's form factor also makes a departure from what's come before it, opting for a slanted, parallelogram design rather than a typical boxy or dome-shaped approach. The PS4 is even smaller and quieter than the PS3 launch box and the PS3 slim.
Under the Hood
On the outside the PS4 may be a simple black box, but underneath the hood it's all next-gen muscle. The console has 10 times the processing power of the PS3, thanks to some fancy hardware. The system features 8 GB of GDDR5 RAM, an 8-core x86 CPU, and a blazing fast GPU processor by AMD. Games are now capable of up to 60 frames per second (that makes for some smooth gameplay) and outputs up to a native 1080p resolution. The PS4 also features a user upgradable 500 GB hard drive, HDMI out, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, two USB 3.0 ports, and, of course, a Blu-ray/DVD player. Users can even charge controllers while the unit is in standby. Let's just say wow, and move on.DualShock 4
For the last-gen systems, Xbox's controller edged out the PS3's in usability and form factor. Sony fixes a few problems by integrating outward-curving rear triggers, which are much more friendly for purveyors of first-person shooters and includes more features than before. Sony designed the controller to be future-proof. It's beefier, heavier, and feels more substantial in your hands. Upgraded features include:Lightbar—Versatile, stylish, and when combined with the PS4's camera, it tracks the position of the DualShock. Think of it as an integrated move controller.
Touchpad—Click, flick, drag, and drop just like your phone.
Speaker—Games will "talk" directly to you.
I tested the DualShock 4 controller on the button-mashing Injustice, a DC-fueled fighting game, for an hour or two. It's much more ergonomic than past models, which means users can game for longer stretches of time. Even better, it seems like the DualShock 4 will withstand much more abuse in those heated moments of gaming frustration.
Social and Multimedia
Even if you're knee-deep in hours of gaming, the PlayStation 4 wants you to stay connected. It records 15-minute intervals of whatever's on your screen in the background, which you can edit and upload to Facebook. Users can also connect to Twitter and share all their gameplay stats. The PS4 comes with streaming video services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, Crackle, and Epix (though HBO Go and YouTube are noticeable absentees). Audiophiles will also be pleased at the option to sign up for the unlimited music streaming service.Games
Now let's take a look at the PS4's prime objective: games. Sony's got plenty of titles prepped for launch day. Sony is delivering first-person shooters such as Killzone: Shadow Fall and Call of Duty: Ghosts; or for the more adventurous type, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag will keep you busy. Madden NFL 25 and NBA 2K14 are options for the sports-oriented or Knack for something a little more kid-friendly. All launch titles will be available at the store for digital download.The Sony Playstation is $400 without games and peripherals such as PlayStation Eye or PS Vita for Remote Play. That's a lot of cheddar to pony up, admittedly, but, then again, it's been seven years since the last Sony console release (and its biggest rival, Microsoft's Xbox One, costs $100 more). If you end up choosing to justify your purchase, for whatever reason, one thing's for sure: You're going to have fun.
Top 10 Greatest Mathematicians
Often called the language of the universe, mathematics is fundamental to our understanding of the world and, as such, is vitally important in a modern society such as ours. Everywhere you look it is likely mathematics has made an impact, from the faucet in your kitchen to the satellite that beams your television programs to your home. As such, great mathematicians are undoubtedly going to rise above the rest and have their name embedded within history. This list documents some such people. I have rated them based on contributions and how they effected mathematics at the time, as well as their lasting effect. I also suggest one looks deeper into the lives of these men, as they are truly fascinating people and their discoveries are astonishing – too much to include here. As always, such lists are highly subjective, and as such please include your own additions in the comments!
Pythagoras of Samos

Greek Mathematician Pythagoras is considered by some to be one of the first great mathematicians. Living around 570 to 495 BC, in modern day Greece, he is known to have founded the Pythagorean cult, who were noted by Aristotle to be one of the first groups to actively study and advance mathematics. He is also commonly credited with the Pythagorean Theorem within trigonometry. However, some sources doubt that is was him who constructed the proof (Some attribute it to his students, or Baudhayana, who lived some 300 years earlier in India). Nonetheless, the effect of such, as with large portions of fundamental mathematics, is commonly felt today, with the theorem playing a large part in modern measurements and technological equipment, as well as being the base of a large portion of other areas and theorems in mathematics. But, unlike most ancient theories, it played a bearing on the development of geometry, as well as opening the door to the study of mathematics as a worthwhile endeavor. Thus, he could be called the founding father of modern mathematics.
Andrew Wiles

The only currently living mathematician on this list, Andrew Wiles is most well known for his proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem: That no positive integers, a, b and c can satisfy the equation a^n+b^n=c^n For n greater then 2. (If n=2 it is the Pythagoras Formula). Although the contributions to math are not, perhaps, as grand as other on this list, he did ‘invent’ large portions of new mathematics for his proof of the theorem. Besides, his dedication is often admired by most, as he quite literally shut himself away for 7 years to formulate a solution. When it was found that the solution contained an error, he returned to solitude for a further year before the solution was accepted. To put in perspective how ground breaking and new the math was, it had been said that you could count the number of mathematicians in the world on one hand who, at the time, could understand and validate his proof. Nonetheless, the effects of such are likely to only increase as time passes (and more and more people can understand it).
Isaac Newton and Wilhelm Leibniz

I have placed these two together as they are both often given the honor of being the ‘inventor’ of modern infinitesimal calculus, and as such have both made monolithic contributions to the field. To start, Leibniz is often given the credit for introducing modern standard notation, notably the integral sign. He made large contributions to the field of Topology. Whereas all round genius Isaac Newton has, because of the grand scientific epic Principia, generally become the primary man hailed by most to be the actual inventor of calculus. Nonetheless, what can be said is that both men made considerable vast contributions in their own manner.
Leonardo Pisano Blgollo

Blgollo, also known as Leonardo Fibonacci, is perhaps one of the middle ages greatest mathematicians. Living from 1170 to 1250, he is best known for introducing the infamous Fibonacci Series to the western world. Although known to Indian mathematicians since approximately 200 BC, it was, nonetheless, a truly insightful sequence, appearing in biological systems frequently. In addition, from this Fibonacci also contributed greatly to the introduction of the Arabic numbering system. Something he is often forgotten for.
Haven spent a large portion of his childhood within North Africa he learned the Arabic numbering system, and upon realizing it was far simpler and more efficient then the bulky Roman numerals, decided to travel the Arab world learning from the leading mathematicians of the day. Upon returning to Italy in 1202, he published his Liber Abaci, whereupon the Arabic numbers were introduced and applied to many world situations to further advocate their use. As a result of his work the system was gradually adopted and today he is considered a major player in the development of modern mathematics.
Alan Turing

Computer Scientist and Cryptanalyst Alan Turing is regarded my many, if not most, to be one of the greatest minds of the 20th Century. Having worked in the Government Code and Cypher School in Britain during the second world war, he made significant discoveries and created ground breaking methods of code breaking that would eventually aid in cracking the German Enigma Encryptions. Undoubtedly affecting the outcome of the war, or at least the time-scale.
After the end of the war he invested his time in computing. Having come up with idea of a computing style machine before the war, he is considered one of the first true computer scientists. Furthermore, he wrote a range of brilliant papers on the subject of computing that are still relevant today, notably on Artificial Intelligence, on which he developed the Turing test which is still used to evaluate a computers ‘intelligence’. Remarkably, he began in 1948 working with D. G. Champernowne, an undergraduate acquaintance on a computer chess program for a machine not yet in existence. He would play the ‘part’ of the machine in testing such programs.
René Descartes

French Philosopher, Physicist and Mathematician Rene Descartes is best known for his ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’ philosophy. Despite this, the Frenchman, who lived 1596 to 1650, made ground breaking contributions to mathematics. Alongside Newton and Leibniz, Descartes helped provide the foundations of modern calculus (which Newton and Leibniz later built upon), which in itself had great bearing on the modern day field. Alongside this, and perhaps more familiar to the reader, is his development of Cartesian Geometry, known to most as the standard graph (Square grid lines, x and y axis, etc.) and its use of algebra to describe the various locations on such. Before this most geometers used plain paper (or another material or surface) to preform their art. Previously, such distances had to be measured literally, or scaled. With the introduction of Cartesian Geometry this changed dramatically, points could now be expressed as points on a graph, and as such, graphs could be drawn to any scale, also these points did not necessarily have to be numbers. The final contribution to the field was his introduction of superscripts within algebra to express powers. And thus, like many others in this list, contributed to the development of modern mathematical notation.

Living around 300BC, he is considered the Father of Geometry and his magnum opus: Elements, is one the greatest mathematical works in history, with its being in use in education up until the 20th century. Unfortunately, very little is known about his life, and what exists was written long after his presumed death. Nonetheless, Euclid is credited with the instruction of the rigorous, logical proof for theorems and conjectures. Such a framework is still used to this day, and thus, arguably, he has had the greatest influence of all mathematicians on this list. Alongside his Elements were five other surviving works, thought to have been written by him, all generally on the topic of Geometry or Number theory. There are also another five works that have, sadly, been lost throughout history.
G. F. Bernhard Riemann

Bernhard Riemann, born to a poor family in 1826, would rise to become one of the worlds prominent mathematicians in the 19th Century. The list of contributions to geometry are large, and he has a wide range of theorems bearing his name. To name just a few: Riemannian Geometry, Riemannian Surfaces and the Riemann Integral. However, he is perhaps most famous (or infamous) for his legendarily difficult Riemann Hypothesis; an extremely complex problem on the matter of the distributions of prime numbers. Largely ignored for the first 50 years following its appearance, due to few other mathematicians actually understanding his work at the time, it has quickly risen to become one of the greatest open questions in modern science, baffling and confounding even the greatest mathematicians. Although progress has been made, its has been incredibly slow. However, a prize of $1 million has been offered from the Clay Maths Institute for a proof, and one would almost undoubtedly receive a Fields medal if under 40 (The Nobel prize of mathematics). The fallout from such a proof is hypothesized to be large: Major encryption systems are thought to be breakable with such a proof, and all that rely on them would collapse. As well as this, a proof of the hypothesis is expected to use ‘new mathematics’. It would seem that, even in death, Riemann’s work may still pave the way for new contributions to the field, just as he did in life.
Carl Friedrich Gauss

Child prodigy Gauss, the ‘Prince of Mathematics’, made his first major discovery whilst still a teenager, and wrote the incredible Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, his magnum opus, by the time he was 21. Many know Gauss for his outstanding mental ability – quoted to have added the numbers 1 to 100 within seconds whilst attending primary school (with the aid of a clever trick). The local Duke, recognizing his talent, sent him to Collegium Carolinum before he left for Gottingen (at the time it was the most prestigious mathematical university in the world, with many of the best attending). After graduating in 1798 (at the age of 22), he began to make several important contributions in major areas of mathematics, most notably number theory (especially on Prime numbers). He went on to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra, and introduced the Gaussian gravitational constant in physics, as well as much more – all this before he was 24! Needless to say, he continued his work up until his death at the age of 77, and had made major advances in the field which have echoed down through time.
Leonhard Euler

If Gauss is the Prince, Euler is the King. Living from 1707 to 1783, he is regarded as the greatest mathematician to have ever walked this planet. It is said that all mathematical formulas are named after the next person after Euler to discover them. In his day he was ground breaking and on par with Einstein in genius. His primary (if that’s possible) contribution to the field is with the introduction of mathematical notation including the concept of a function (and how it is written as f(x)), shorthand trigonometric functions, the ‘e’ for the base of the natural logarithm (The Euler Constant), the Greek letter Sigma for summation and the letter ‘/i’ for imaginary units, as well as the symbol pi for the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter. All of which play a huge bearing on modern mathematics, from the every day to the incredibly complex.
As well as this, he also solved the Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg problem in graph theory, found the Euler Characteristic for connecting the number of vertices, edges and faces of an object, and (dis)proved many well known theories, too many to list. Furthermore, he continued to develop calculus, topology, number theory, analysis and graph theory as well as much, much more – and ultimately he paved the way for modern mathematics and all its revelations. It is probably no coincidence that industry and technological developments rapidly increased around this time.
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